For many of us, the ability to conceive in the privacy and comfort of our home, the power to choose who attends our home insemination, and access to on-call availability of a gentle and thorough midwife are incredible supports to our becoming pregnant. An IntraUterine Insemination, or IUI, is a safe, gentle procedure that can happen at any time of day or night in the comfort of your home. It is similar to a Pap smear, and a thin, plastic catheter is placed inside the uterus (‘intrauterine’) in order to perform the insemination. This event is yours: it can be romantic, fun, spiritual, private, quiet, celebratory… dream up what you would like it to be!
MICHELLE BOROK, Take Root Home Insemination Services and Nourish Midwifery

"I would be honored to assist you and your growing family to become more informed about your options, to get in sync with your natural cycles, to closely listen to your body’s messages, and to create your beautiful baby.” Michelle is a California Licensed Midwife. She is currently practicing as a home birth midwife in the Bay Area, as well as offering on-call home insemination and fertility services. She previously worked as a health worker at The Sperm Bank of California (TSBC), counseling clients in donor selection and fertility awareness. Michelle strongly believes that the conception journey is a sacred one, and deserves to be honored & protected– as do pregnancy, birth and parenting.
Michelle completed an intensive academic and clinical training at Maternidad La Luz, a high-volume freestanding birth center on the border in El Paso, Texas. She has also worked with midwives in Morelos and Chiapas, Mexico, where she began to learn about traditional fertility enhancement. She is a long-time student of nutritional, herbal, & energetic wellness, and ever-dedicated to female empowerment & reproductive justice.
Michelle’s background includes a B.A. in Social Welfare from U.C. Berkeley. She has taught various academic classes and workshops, including Female Sexuality at UC Berkeley and Legacies of Medical Racism and Transgender Competency for Healthcare Providers at Maternidad La Luz midwifery school.
Michelle completed an intensive academic and clinical training at Maternidad La Luz, a high-volume freestanding birth center on the border in El Paso, Texas. She has also worked with midwives in Morelos and Chiapas, Mexico, where she began to learn about traditional fertility enhancement. She is a long-time student of nutritional, herbal, & energetic wellness, and ever-dedicated to female empowerment & reproductive justice.
Michelle’s background includes a B.A. in Social Welfare from U.C. Berkeley. She has taught various academic classes and workshops, including Female Sexuality at UC Berkeley and Legacies of Medical Racism and Transgender Competency for Healthcare Providers at Maternidad La Luz midwifery school.